First I want start off by giving an update on what is happening with us today, so here it is..
Alright we made a decision on the job, he is going to take the new position and see where it goes. Maybe it will help him in the long run. As for today we are trying to decide whether or not to renew our lease. Our neighbors are ridiculous, they have parties at all hours of the day and are constantly screaming. They have been out of town for about a week though, so i have enjoyed the peace and quiet. All in all today was another nice day in "living together land", which brings me to an article I read at http://www.time.com/
This article is about how an increasing number of people are living together(happily) and are not married. There is actually about 5 million unmarried people living together, which is a 200% increase since 1980. It also says that these relationships are almost exactly like the relationships of married couples (just without all the legal stuff). Another thing that I thought was interesting was how it stated that the family members of these unmarried couples usually do not support them. I can relate to this because my family is 50/50 on the subject, some like it some do not. It is mostly the older family members who have a problem with this (the same applies to me as well). In a nutshell the article is just commenting on the changing times, and acknowledging that society is once again changing.
Alright we made a decision on the job, he is going to take the new position and see where it goes. Maybe it will help him in the long run. As for today we are trying to decide whether or not to renew our lease. Our neighbors are ridiculous, they have parties at all hours of the day and are constantly screaming. They have been out of town for about a week though, so i have enjoyed the peace and quiet. All in all today was another nice day in "living together land", which brings me to an article I read at http://www.time.com/
This article is about how an increasing number of people are living together(happily) and are not married. There is actually about 5 million unmarried people living together, which is a 200% increase since 1980. It also says that these relationships are almost exactly like the relationships of married couples (just without all the legal stuff). Another thing that I thought was interesting was how it stated that the family members of these unmarried couples usually do not support them. I can relate to this because my family is 50/50 on the subject, some like it some do not. It is mostly the older family members who have a problem with this (the same applies to me as well). In a nutshell the article is just commenting on the changing times, and acknowledging that society is once again changing.
http://www.time.com.(n.d/.) Retreived March, 2009 : www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,426046,00.html