I know that I already posted today but there is something that is kind of making me mad. According to these sites www.pobronson.com/, http://www.helium.com/, and http://www.wlbt.com/ Couples who live together have a higher rate for divorce, but when I looked at where they got this research from it is usually done by small groups with no actual evidence or clearly biased groups. Actually most of the articlesI Have found are against couples living together. I just find it odd that still in the year 2009 people are using UN-true scare tactics to push their own agenda. To me, it seems that you can not categorize people because we are all unique. Some people can live together for 5 years before marriage and then divorce, some can never live together and get divorced, and on the other hand I personally know people who live together for years and then get married and stay that way. I also know people who live together and will never get married and for them that is a perfect fit. I guess what I am trying to say is that everyone is different. Knowing this, it still makes sense to me that if you live with someone you know them in and out, and when the time comes or doesn't come to marry you know what is right for you. That being said, something else I was a little perturbed about was the agenda being pushed by some of these articles. Most of these articles were by religious groups who clearly had a motive to push there way of life.Being religious myself this upsets me because I do not believe in ever pushing your beliefs on anyone. In addition, they are using fabricated or untrustworthy facts.I Honestly, some things in life are not important enough to raise a fuss about. I can assure you that the world will not end if someone does something differently than you (i.e. couples living together). Well that is the end of my little rant, thanks for reading.
p.s. If anyone reading is also an unmarried couple living together good for you! I believe that we should do what makes US happy and not anyone else. Plus, I think it is smart to get to know your partner inside and out. Do you ever buy a shoe before trying it on? I don't :)
http://www.helium.com.(n.d).retreived/ May 28,2009:www.helium.com/debates/66022-should-couples-live-together-before-getting-married
http://www.probonson.com.(may2005/). Retreived May 28,2009:www.probonson.com/blog/2006/05/unmarried-couples-famlies-not-allowed 21.html
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